Monday, January 7, 2013

Acts of Love

An organization's lifeblood is often predictable membership income.

Planted with acquisition.  Cultivated through appeal and renewal management.

But sometimes there is a storm.  Literally or symbolically.  A sudden upsurge in giving, a flood that wipes out programs, or a passionate group that just can't help but spread an organization's story.

The speed and creativity of new media bring a different lens to traditional models.  We know the "best" non-profits engage wide, encourage conversation, open institutional walls.

Social media is Usain Bolt.  Direct marketing Meb Keflezighi.

Now, there is street cred for individuals making the asks. The new toys are fun and easy.  No longer isolated or restricted to the professionals, fundraising is an act of love.

For 2013, I have a core question. How does the social media vortex meet the brick and mortar of traditional non-profits?  It's not just a matter of who's doing it best, or measuring success, but will the spin of so many voices (and videos and images) bend the base of historic institutions?

For non-profits, it is a wild and fruitful time.  New orgs are birthed as rapidly as apps.  It's about passion for a cause.  What's yours?

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